Friday, April 21, 2006


Overtime is wearing down on me

I am wearing down over time

Yesterday, as I was driving home in the ridiculous traffic that is 405, I was going delirious. Right now I could be in Vegas watching pros play in the $25K buy in WPT championship at the Bellagio. 4 million dollars to the winner.

But instead, I’m working OT so that I can afford to go to Vegas in a month. Just pray that I don’t burn it all.

Why do I love Vegas? There’s so much to do there. There’s so many people there. There’s gambling, drinks and naked women everywhere you turn. In no other town can I find such awesome things so close. But at the same time, it’s not some run down hole in the wall place either. It’s classy. They make you feel rich there. Even the poorest of people get hooked up. And stories abound each time I go. And it’s always tough leaving.

And that’s why I’m working OT. Because every hour I work is half of a blackjack bet. But the moment I’m sitting down at those tables, full of liquor and beer, I’m not thinking of that. I’m thinking of how great it is to be in Vegas. How awesome it is to see all the drunk people around me, having a non-stop party. How no matter what, I’ll always go back to working anyway, and we all die some time so we might as well have fun.

Maybe part of the reason, other than my lack of funds, my settling down and getting married, my moving out of the city and in to the burbs…maybe one of the other reasons is because no other party holds up to Vegas. Yeah, getting together with your friends and drinking and watching TV is a good time. But is it Vegas? Of course not. Maybe everything pales so much in comparison with the parties I’ve had in Vegas, stumbling around the strip drunk…that I’ve just completely giving up on trying?


Can you tell I love Vegas? Probably not. Last year, for a long time, before the engagement ring, I wanted to take a shot. I wanted to take $5K and see what I could do. Start at $8/16 at the Mirage and see if I could build to the $300/600 at the Bellagio. Bah. I’d get known. I’d become a regular just like I did at BS $3/6 at Goldie’s. People would learn my style of play and would watch out for me. It’d be tough to beat the higher games.

And the draw…the draw of table games. The draw of the sportsbook…I don’t know how I could handle myself. A lot of pros can’t even handle themselves. That’s why they have “backers”. Investors that take a ridiculous cut every time they win. I could never give away any of my winnings (although I have before…to other players, to charities…to buy ridiculous things).

Tomorrow is my 2 year anniversary with Michelle. I was planning on getting her something nice, something sweet. I can’t believe. Two years. How does 2 years go so quickly? I’m afraid that the rest of life will be like this. This past winter was seriously the shortest winter I have ever seen. And really it wasn’t that exciting. When you give almost 11 hours each day to a job though…suddenly time starts flying. They are laying off by the bunches here. People in our IT department. Positions I once though I could have a chance of moving in to are disappearing by the handful. Now with a mortgage hanging over my head…let’s not talk about it.
Other than that, not too much else to report. I’m enjoying my uh oh oreos, I’ve got 30 minutes left to my final OT shift for the week. A good friend of mine is going to Vegas and I’m ridiculously jealous. My cousin is having a baby boy. I’m working on getting cut for my bachelor party. I’ve given up on trying to get more technical certifications for the time being. I can’t wait to sleep in tomorrow. I’m going to love this weekend. Smiles across the board. :)

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