I didn’t get a chance to write my standard of four posts for this month. So, three will have to do for now. Actually, there’s no going back on this month. So unfortunately three is all we will get.
I’ll try my best to put up five next month. Or some time before the end of this year. Because I know how I get during winter – all emo and full of things to write about. That’s what the dark and cold do to me.
So to start…
I love the movie “Million Dollar Baby”. It’s not only probably in the top 3 “sport” movies for me of all time for me, it’s also probably in my top 10 favorite movies of all time. I haven’t ever written out the list, so I’m not sure what it would include. That movie was just done so well. Every time it’s on TV I take the time to sit through most of it. And the reason I say most of it is because the ending is so sad to me. If I could pick one movie to have a standard American ending it would be that one. Why not let her just outright win the championship and show her and the trainer in a house together sipping lemonade? Could we possibly get an alternate ending to that movie? I hope there is one.
Anyway, it was on CBC tonight (go figure, canucks) so I had to watch it up until the championship fight…Then I had to turn it off. But before I was writing this, it bothered me because I knew what was going to happen (I’ve seen it only entirely once, and up until the championship fight at least 3 times) after the championship bout. And it bothered me that I knew what was going to happen. And I refused to watch it. Look at me, I’ve got movie denial…such a nerd…
If you haven’t seen it, please go rent it. Even if you’re not a fan of boxing I’m sure you’ll love it. I’ve tried my best not to spoil it for those that haven’t seen it.
You know what I find silly? People that complain about gas prices. We have some of the cheapest gas prices in the world. People should travel over to
Here is my rant about gas complainers – and yes, if you use it for small talk, that’s fine. I understand. Just like the weather, almost everyone has to experience it. S’all good. However, if you are a typical gas price complainer here is a list for you:
1) Have you ever figured out what the difference is when gas prices are “expensive” to you versus “cheap”? For me, I consider $2.70 per gallon of premium “cheap” right now and $3.50 per gallon “expensive”. My car takes 13 gallons of gas and I fill up every 2 weeks. Over an entire year the difference for me between what I consider a “cheap” price and an “expensive” price is: $270.40. For the math nerds out there (like I used to be): (52 weeks per year / 2 weeks) X 13 gallons X $.80/gallon. That’s it! $270 a year! You probably spent that much drinking or smoking or gambling in a month! What the hell are you complaining about $300 a year for!
2) If you seriously are complaining about gas, you either a) drive a gas guzzler or b) have a ridiculous commute. So c) go get yourself a more fuel efficient car (that’s probably better for the environment anyway) and d) move closer to where you work, or drive less and carpool or ride the bus. Again, this is $300 to maybe $2000 a year we’re talking about. In my opinion you shouldn’t be filling up your gas tank more than once every 5 days. And if you are then you need to get a bicycle or something.
3) Darn, I wish I had another point. Look at me, I’m complaining about complainers. I’m going to shut up now.
What’s the deal with Olive Garden? They know everyone goes for their endless salad and breadsticks. And they advertise that “when I’m there I’m family”. Well, when I eat with my family I eat until I am sick usually. And I don’t have to wait. The food is on the table, I can grab whatever I want and munch down. Endless salad and bread sticks…please. I’ve noticed with the breadsticks they’ll start you off with 150% of what you would like. 2 people in your group? Here’s 4 breadsticks. 4 people? Here, have 6. But after that initial bread stick run? The amount of stickage diminishes. Suddenly you’re at a 75% level. 2 breadsticks for 2 people? C’mon! By the time you drop them off they’re gone already! 3 breadsticks for 4 people? That’s just not right.
Oh and the salad. Seriously, count how many times you get salad when you go. I’ve found that that third salad is almost impossible to get. Like the breadsticks they come out fast and full the first time around. Then the 2nd one barely comes about 25 minutes later. And the third one I think they’re just hoping you’ll leave with your andes mints and forget about the extra salad. Seriously, the advertising is false. Change your shit Olive Garden. And quit putting hair in my fettucine alfredo. Ok thanks.
Honestly, I believe that somewhere in the kitchen they have a graph of # of breadsticks to be given/amount of time to wait for each salad bowl vs. # of people per table. They say they send people to cooking school in
Do you ever wonder about where you would be right now if you stayed with a certain someone? Of course, there are always reasons why one relationship didn’t work out over the other. But on drives home at night on cold nights like these my mind begins to wander. Where would I be right now if everything had worked out with one of my exes? For some reason the image I keep getting is renting some apartment near or in
I have a $50 gift card at Amazon that I got for doing this wellness assessment thing. Having money at amazon is so tough. Literally you can buy so much – there’s so many cool things on that site. Books I want to read, DVDs I want towatch, music and random pieces of junk I think would amuse me for more than their worth…It’s been tough. I’ve had the gift certificate for the past 2 weeks and can’t make my mind up. I’ve spent about 6 hours on the site just browsing, reading reviews – and yes, I am crazy. I write myself notes about what I want and why. And then I get to thinking about it and maybe I shouldn’t buy it…so I talk myself out of it…out of spending a gift card! Seriously I should go see a psychiatrist…
Halo 3 came out this past Tuesday. I traded in a few games for it and only paid $10 to get it. I am happy that I only had to pay $10 because for me, that’s what video games are worth. On Saturday during the day while I was looking for things to do (since the Huskies played that night – Way to go Russo, fumbling that punt return! Jeez – Locker connect more passes and we win that game! We were so close to beating #1 USC, but lost 24 to 27) I pulled up my Halo 3 and could only put in about 30 minutes of it. I hate playing by myself. I hate when I feel like it’s me against all of these enemies. Luckily they’ve got a co-op program where I can play with my buddies online and then I don’t feel so lonely. How did I get through this as a kid all cooped up in my room and playing video games on my own? I’m so dependent on human interaction now…
The shin splints are back again. I am frustrated with myself because I know I won’t be able to go through with my new year’s resolutions. But rarely do I actually attain them. They’re just nice to think about and push for. This year, I wanted to finally consistently dunk a basketball. I had this idea of doing all these plyometrics (sp?), get signed up with a coach and everything and increase my vert 4-5”. It never happened. And yes, I do have 2 months left…but c’mon! 2 months!
I sat here for about a minute in silence trying to think of at least one more thing to write and I couldn’t come up with it. There’s the investment stuff but I find that kind of dry. So for now, goodnight.
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