Sunday, April 08, 2012

Last Published Over One Year Ago

Plenty of drafts.

Nothing published.


What to do

1st world top 10% problems

Not saving enough

Baby was born, mom doesn't want to work.

Not saving enough means retirement is further away.

Retirement is further away means stuck at work longer assuming career trajectory remains stable. Because we all know that isn't true.

Money available to gamble. Market would garner highest possibility of returns. Dreams of tripling, quadrupling the money in short periods of time. Dreams of being a 30 year old with one million dollars cash. Taking the family out for a nice dinner to celebrate.

Makes it hard to sleep. Makes the stomach turn and the brow sweat. Makes me wonder if this time is different because it's for a family and not just purely for my own sake.

I want to get more money so mom doesn't have to work forever unless she wants to and my retirement is back on track.

Risk equals return
Risk equals loss

I recently read that one of the top reasons that millionaires got to where they were was due to the amount of risks they were willing to take. I continue to struggle with this decision. Because you rarely hear about the guys who took their shots and lost.

The wealthiest group of millionaire households overwhelmingly said that smart investing was the key to their wealth. That’s in stark contrast to the least of the mass affluent—those with net worth of $100,000 to $1 million. That group attributed their wealth chiefly to frugality.

Next week I've got a running clock starting in my head. 15 years to preferred retirement date. 18-25 at the long end. I've got to decide which group from above I want our family to be in.

Cause I'm starting to get tired of this frugality.

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