Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Random Rambling Post

Sometimes I wish everything that I wrote had meaning. Or had a point. Or had a direction I was going in. But sometimes I feel like not being so serious and just writing. Hopefully this can be one of those types of posts.

Last night I had a dream that I got a weekly report from my assistant manager that I was doing “medium”. I woke up this morning feeling kind of uneasy because as of the past year I’ve been the “all star” which isn’t that hard when your department is 8 people large and not growing.

Medium. That’s kind of funny. That’s not even a real rating. It’s more of a size. Maybe that’s what kind of bothered me about it.

Before going to sleep I was laughing pretty hard because I was thinking about Michelle’s phone conversation with sears earlier on in the afternoon. While calling a Sears “appliance specialist” the phone rang through to the sound of people talking in the background and someone typing nearby. Since I’ve worked on the phones basically all my life, I know this was basically someone not paying attention to their phone ringing. The phone automatically picking up, and them leaving the headset somewhere on their desk.

The best part of it was Michelle trying to get the attention of anyone there. Just the way she was half yelling, “HELLO!” in to the phone without being too loud, but loud enough…the “Is anybody there? Is anybody working?” And finally after 5 minutes of this and me chuckling to myself, she finally hung up. The annoying thing is; they’ve got the automated voice response system. You know, the woman who asks how she can help you? And then she says, “If you need help with appliances say, ‘Appliances’”. And then when you say, “Applian-“ she cuts you off and says, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand. For more help you can either say…”


After getting married, Michelle changed her last name to mine. You know what I find annoying? The women who have to hyphenate their last name. If your name is so important to you, why not just keep it? Are you trying to show balance between your name and your husband’s name and that’s why you’re hyphenating it? And your children…you’re going to force them to include that hyphen all their lives? And what happens if you have a son who marries a woman that wants to hyphen their name? Does it become name-name-name? And whose name comes first? If the reason you are hyphenating your last name is to show “balance” (really I don’t know the reason why, I guess I could wiki it) then who’s name goes first? And if a name shows up first wouldn’t that create an “imbalance” between the names? Why not create a hybrid name?

I mean, I’ve heard of the people with 4+ names in their name, but don’t you think it’d get a little tiring? Then again, I’m the guy who thinks most people should just have 1 syllable first names. Yes, I am that lazy. But obviously not lazy enough to ponder stupid shit like hyphenating last names.

The winter takes another life.

Interestingly enough I’ve been wanting to walk out on my pond…definitely not as deep as Martha Lake (probably 5 feet at the deepest) since I used to walk out on ponds when I was a kid after a few weeks of freezing temperatures. And interestingly enough, I used to throw rocks on to the ice to try and break it or poke holes right next to where I was standing to see where the water was. I’m glad we didn’t get any fish or coy for the pond…they would’ve been long frozen by now…

Frustration: When you have “friends” or “a friend” who doesn’t respond to 3 different forms of contact. Over a week period I have left 1 voicemail, sent 2 texts and sent 1 email. Wouldn’t this be enough for someone to realize that you were trying to get a hold of them to ask them something? The only way I see this not working as valid means of contacting someone is for the following reasons: 1) They are in a remote location or on vacation and left all contacting devices at home. 2) They have no way to contact you because they have either 2a) Dropped their cell phone in to a hot tub/ocean/bath tub/etc. 2b) Lost their cell phone completely 2c) Haven’t had access to their email for over 2 weeks. 3) They’ve read through your texts/emails and listened to your voicemail but just got too caught up in other things to answer your question/request.

How likely that is for these people to be in one of these situations...or all three at the same time? I’m thinking very unlikely. Which leads me to another point. Let’s say I never responded to emails or phone calls or texts. Would anyone still talk to me? Maybe I should start following other’s examples and just either ignoring their calls or texts or just “forgetting” to call back? Who needs flaky friends anyway?

On a less serious note, I think one of the most simple yet satisfying things a person can do is to pick a big booger. I love to pick my boogers. Especially the ones that you don’t grab on the first “pick”. You’ve got to go back in there and dig around until you grab it. And then BAM…when you pull that sucker out…sometimes it’s so large that it’s actually impressive (to me). And I feel better that I was able to get something that large out of my nostril. And yes, of course I think boogers are gross. Unfortunately sometimes I’m proud of mine…

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