Thursday, September 29, 2005

A few things...

Clouds. Rain, dark. For the first time in a few months I had to turn the light on while eating breakfast in the kitchen because I couldn’t tell whether or not my 5 day old left over Denny’s breakfast had any mold on it. I don’t think it did. I still haven’t contracted any sort of stomach flu or food poisoning, as if these are things that one could contract. Anyway, I hope we’re not on the road down to dreary Seattle weather. For almost all of June this year it rained. I couldn’t believe it. May showed signs of promise promptly followed up by June which bitch slapped all the believers of the Seattle summers, which I’ve come to believe are some of the best…anywhere. But then again, if you’re not from Seattle, disregard everything I’ve said, and please, please don’t come here. Our traffic can’t handle you.

So, the reason that this post is so aptly titled is because I wanted to go over a few things. First, George Bush. I wish people would just stop ranking on him. A lot of people in Washington, specifically Seattle are just non-stop about their hatred. But, really, what has he done to them? For a while, I thought, “Oh my gosh…Bush is such an idiot”. But then, I realized, “Ok, he’s an idiot, but how is that affecting my life?” It’s really not. Sure, I see his face on TV almost every other day, but I don’t mind. In a few years he will be gone, and I’m sure people will still be complaining…about nothing. Just like they always do. I mean really, have you ever met him? Would you say those hurtful things to him? I’d be glad to shake his hand, and 20 years down the road tell my children that I shook the president’s hand. If you’re going to hate on him, at least make it funny. This weekend at Oktoberfest, I saw a shirt that said, “Good Bush/Bad Bush”. And the “Good Bush” was a picture of a woman’s lower half. That was excellent. This is a good way to make a statement, yet at the same time be a comedian, be jovial, get a response other than anger. And I also wonder, if Kerry wins this election, are things different right now? No, probably not. But, people around me whine less, so maybe that’s why I’d enjoy if we had a democrat running the show. Whatever.

The only thing I care about politically is I-901. This is the initiative in Washington to ban indoor smoking, just like they have in California. This is a great idea. Imagine going out to the clubs, the casino, or bowling, and not having to come home and take a shower because you smell like ash tray! This is my dream. I would join a freaking bowling league if this initiative passes. I am not registered to vote, but will register just to vote for this initiative. Can I do that? Can I just vote for one initiative? I wonder. I also plan on volunteering for the cause this coming month as the election is coming up in November. Please go here: to do likewise. Oh, and for those wondering, yes, I do like bowling, but this is more from the casino aspect, where a LOT of people smoke indoors. My lungs and skin have suffered enough from playing poker in these smaller dive casinos and also at the large tribal ones, where at least 1 out of every 4 people smoke and fill the air with their carcinogenic crap. If you’re registered to vote, please vote YES on Initiative 901 for no smoking indoors!

Next topic: Post college depression. I didn’t think it would happen to me. Depression? Me? Never. At first, it started as missing college. As a recent graduate, I still have friends/relatives/sister attending my higher education of choice. It was hard for me. Just working. Work is different from school. All throughout school I heard people lament about their work load, the different finals coming up, how large the paper that was due tomorrow, and how tough the grading was. Rarely, was I like that. Once I got in to business school, I was the kid that I think a lot of people disliked. Because I skated through. I used to laugh about how low my grades were, and would shrug my shoulders when I didn’t do too well on tests and assignments. Was I lazy? Sure, at times. But I just didn’t get what everyone was working towards. I always though, a degree is a degree. But, I guess not. People did really well, got good internships, got extra scholarships for further education, landed high paying jobs with company cars and 6 weeks of vacation a year…blah blah blah etc. Me? I get two weeks of vacation, crappy benefits, and will be CLOSE to making $40K this year (from the job alone). Am I where I should be financially? Absolutely. I’m already above the median for Washington state (at a healthy $35K a year) and it can only go up from here.

But the thing is, the college to work transition is tough. Well, let me rephrase that, it was tough for me. School is something that I’ve always had. A place where I can goof around with kids my age. A place where I can drool over cute girls and act stupid in class and give the best presentations a class and teacher have seen. College to me was drinking every night one December. Driving down to the Intramural Activities building to play basketball until I got blisters. It was meeting people on the bus. Going out to lunch on the Ave. Leaving to play poker in Shoreline at midnight on a Tuesday. What am I really getting at? FREEDOM. This is definitely something I experienced a lot less of once I got in to my cubicle here…9 to 5:30 every morning. Clutch, shift, gas, break, clutch shift. Clutch, shift, gas, break, clutch, shift. I mean, I guess it would be better if I didn’t have almost a 2 hour commute total everyday, since I used to be able to almost walk to school…but still. Being forced to be here for 8 and a half hours a day is tough work. I have to admit though, I get paid a ridiculous amount for the 2 hours I actually work everyday, so that makes me happy. Exactly what I always wanted. To get paid for doing almost nothing. I’m constantly on the prowl for a new job though, and hopefully will be getting back to school once my new house/marriage get settled in though. I am unsure if I’m going to go straight for my basic MBA, or the new technology one in Kirkland. Either way, I know for sure the best way to get ahead is to have education and qualifications over the other guy. That way I can catch up to all the academic all-stars I met while at Ballmer high school. I give you all the updates later on, I am sure. Either way, everyone enjoy their weekends.

Want to know the weirdest thing about buying an engagement ring? I am buying the ring from my future wife’s father. I just spoke to him about when we could meet (in private so she doesn’t know) so we can go over a few stones and pick the one I want and the pricing. However, with the weird comes the “hook-up”. I am going to be getting more than half-off on this ring, and knowing that, I am stoked. And yes, I am one of those people that still say stoked. I still can’t really put together this great idea in my head of how I’m going to do it…but John Mayer, if you’re reading…do you think you’d be willing to hold a private performance? I’m pretty sure I could put together a nice little coffee shop crowd for you…and we’ll gather up the money to make sure you’re compensated well for your time...*sigh* I wish.

Monday, September 26, 2005


So the same thing just happened to me like it happened last night.

Thank god I copied and pasted my CN. There is now way I was going to rewrite again.

I think I'm going to compose in word and then post from there from here on out. This site sucks, but I'll continue posting. It looks like it doesn't allow you to create for more than 10 minutes? 30 minutes? I don't know. But it took me about 20 to compose CN: Money.

*rolls eyes*

CN: Money

For those not in the know, CN = Cliff Notes. Bam. Don't you feel like you're in college now? No? That sucks. It's a nice place.

So, I'm writing from work. Something that I wanted to do, but decided against because I wanted the ability to swear in my posts. I know. This sounds stupid. But getting fired for profanity online is even MORE stupid than censoring myself so I don't lose my job. And just to rub it in everyone's faces, I am making money as I type this. A leisurely activity, to come in to my head and dance around a little bit, and yet I'm getting paid.

Last night, I was bored. I was sad. But you know what the worst part about it was? Throughout the day, I had won roughly $1000. Probably $1067 to be exact. But that extra $67 isn't guaranteed because it's on one of my poker sites, and the other $1000 I've already withdrawn and it will be in my bank account by Friday.

What was/is my problem? (Last night this seemed like a much bigger problem than it does right now at work, after a few hours of sleep). I was sitting in my girlfriend's computer room, thinking "woe is me" listening to Coldplay because of stupid Oktoberfest band that covered "Yellow" which I think is my favorite song by them now...anyway, I got done playing online, and that $1000? I won it playing online blackjack. The thing is, this money is not consistent. It's not like my online poker money, where 98% of the time I win. Poker is slow, guaranteed money. Well, maybe not that slow. I typically average $75-$100 in a 4 hour session of playing. But with blackjack it's different. The money swings are horrendous. And that's what I wanted to write about, was my desensitization ( this even a word?) to money. That's why this post is so aptly titled.

Money has become nothing to me. I don't see the use anymore, other than to pay for things I need and partially enjoy (food, drinks)...but I had realized something pretty crazy last night...that the last purchase of something I wanted...just for me, was around 8 months ago. Brand new Nikes. 100+ Nike Solas'. You know what the worst part about this is? I needed new shoes. I was wearing the same running shoes for about a year and a half. The soles were ripped so that when it rained my socks got wet. The shoelaces were ripped from me wearing them untied. And I ran many many miles in them, and wore them without socks many times also, so they STUNK. But, this is the last materialistic thing I have pucharsed for myself. That and business attire, but that was required by my job, and will be required by any job that I'll be working in from here on out. I swear, this is something about how if you're making a salary, suddenly you're required to never wear sweats again. If I ever start a company that works an office I will allow sweats and pajamas. People shouldn't have to be uncomfortable while at work. Mostly they're already uncomfortable to begin with since they're at work.

Oh, and if you haven't noticed, I am not revising my sentence structure, grammar, spelling, etc. I am free "typing", and if I miss a few words, so be it. The important thing to me is that I'm getting out my ideas. One thing I remember from last night while writing this, is about how anal I am about my materialistic possessions. I've got to have things that people who are "in the know" respect and see as either rare, or even in some cases unobtainable. It's my own way of "standing out". For example, my sister's boyfriend is a manager of Champs sports. After looking at my shoes, he let me know how much he wanted a pair, and was complaining about how hard it was to get them. Indeed, I had found them in October of 2004 and had to wait two months due to a backorder. Once I ran in to someone that had the same shoes as me. It was weird. But, then again I thought the guy had great taste. HAH! So arrogant of me...but out of the thousands of kids I saw at UW with Nikes on, he was the only other person that I ever saw wearing that pair.

And that's the thing. When I'm standing in line one rainy afternoon buying frozen Totino's for dinner, and the woman who had to take her two children with her in her exploder comments on how squeaky and clean my new shoes are and how they look so "comfy"...this does not affect me. I am not flattered by her. She probably owns 30 different pairs of shoes at home, 4-5 of them which she wears, while she complains that she has no shoes to wear, and about how her feet hurt. I also went off on women last night in my disgarded post too. And this was about the point that I did so. I said something like: I hate women. They are all like this. They think, oh I can buy these shoes, and this skirt and this top to match, and for those few minutes, maybe for those few hours I will feel complete. Something will fill that void for me. But, you know what? It never does. I wonder if I will ever meet a woman who is 90% happy with the way she looks, because I have once again proven to myself that the more beautiful I think they are, the more they lack in the self-esteem department. What the hell is wrong with these women? They are completely backwards. But, as the debt piles up on these women, their self-worth gets even further crushed under the burden. Go figure.

Anyway, back to my "gambling" issues. 3 months ago, I saw more cash in one night then I've ever seen in my entire life. 3 weeks ago, I lost most of it in the same city (Las Vegas). To the tune of about $3700 (not including travel and hotel costs). Show me another recent college graduate who can stomach that loss and I'll show you a true gambler. By the time I got home from Vegas, I was over it. It was insane. I knew I had to get back to work, grinding it out like I have been doing so over the past 2 years, and I did. But, maybe that's why I've become bored with it. Because it comes consistently. And anything that is just a constant stream, the game rarely has become the grind to me. I think that is what is affecting me. Anyone else would be estatic to win $1000 in a day. I used to be.

I really just don't see the point. I think is why. Here I am struggling over purchasing a 21" LCD monitor for $470. Do I need it? No. Do I want it? Of course. Does my want exceed my need that much that I would actually break down and spend some of that money I've made? This is where I'm struggling, because most of the time I say, "No, probably not." I'm the cheapest damn bastard when it comes to myself, but I can throw so much of it away on a a weekend...on nothing. On chasing action. On being the action junkie that I am. And I know, it sounds like a gambling problem. Sure it might be. But, who quits when they're making $15-$20K of supplemental income a year? Why should I quit? I make 35-50% more per hour doing this than I do at work!

Anyway, this is the funk I am right now. The only time I am happy with my money is if I can spend it on something I need and really "pays for itself" or if I can spend it on someone else to make someone happy. Because that's all I really want to do. After winning last night I was sharing my story with a friend of mine over IM and they were short on bills. I offered to help them out without looking for any repayment (short $36) but was declined. I really, don't really care about it, unless it's making the people I care about happy, that's what I want. And I don't know if that is wrong, or sick, but I would rather buy someone else something that would really enjoy it, rather than for myself. Because all I would do is sit and think about how I didn't need it, and how I could have used the money for something else...

So, yeah. This is my cliff notes post on my deleted money post from last night. Don't you wonder how long the original post of this was? I do. I am already having problems with stupid blogger. Thanks a lot for deleting all that writing last night. Anyway, expect more when I have more to complain/comment/question about. Hope you are all enjoying your work.

What the hell


I am so pissed.

I wrote for about 40 minutes last night. Going off about money, self-esteem, materialistic worth...other things that I like to think about, how I like to overanalyze everything going on in my life to make sure things are on an even if you'd like.

Of course, I click "publish" and what do I get? A blank white screen. Nothing. No posts. And of course, it was late last night and I didn't do a CTRL + C, CTRL + V thing in some notepad document. No, I had to lose my entire composition.


I will provide you all with cliff notes though. All 2 of you that read this. But thanks for being fans anyway. Not really fans, but sort of stalkers.

Friday, September 09, 2005

The first post

I am extremely tired. My eyes are burning for looking at my computer screen for the past, oh, 16 hours? Yup, that sounds about right.

Since everyone else has a blog, I want one too! Can't I be interesting and fun? We'll see. I'll have to share stories though that won't get me in trouble (with people and the law mainly). I just read through A WHOLE YEAR on another person's blog. I remember telling this person (the blogger) a very amazing thing on Halloween night. After reading through her blog I found nothing. I was drunk. She was drunk. Is this why she didn't remember it? I remembered it. SHIT. Halloween (I hate the spelling of this psuedo holiday) was memorable for me, obviously not for her. I scanned her whole freaking blog just to see if she had written anything about that night. NOPE! And, since you probably all think I'm some sort of sex pot, sex addict, sex maniac pervert, this is not it. Just a one liner I dropped on an "aquantaince" of mine that "made her day". And I read through her WHOLE FREAKING BLOG, that's right, from September 2005 to October 2004 to see if my name was mentioned at all. Because that's who I am, a self-centered, self-righteous, son of a bitch. Because we all want attention, and that's what blogs are great for. Wow, I feel energized writing this. Is this why all of you self-centered bastards do this? Full well knowing that other people, people that KNOW you, and people that DON'T know you will read this and think "hey, that's pretty cool" or "hey, that guy is a freak!"? Awkward.

I guess I should include spaces in my blog entries. Otherwise your eyes will get tired, oh so tired like mine are, and then you can't read very well anymore. And then you'll go blind. And then you'll sue me. You'll sue the internet. You'll win. I just hope after your legal fees you actually come out ahead. Damn lawyers, them and the politicians are the only ones really making money in this country. Everyone else has to play by their rules, or get sued until a new rule is implemented, which if not followed, will be fined, and while being sued, also paying aforementioned lawyer fees. *BREATH*

Anyway, I'll try my best to write, keep you up to date about NOTHING because that's what I like to write about:


But some pretty big things are coming up in my life. So big, that I've got an interview tomorrow for a different position, a different company, maybe more money, maybe more stress, that's why I'm at home, bored, because I needed to get my suit and tie. Look spiffy. Because people like that right? I wonder if people think I think less of them because "hey, I'm wearing a suit and way over dressed for ANY sort of occassion (sp?) in today's world!" And obviously, I'm typing way too fast that I could be missing connecting words like "the" "and" "I" semi-important words that make what I'm writing make sense...but screw it, I'm not going to edit it.

Oh yeah, back to what I was saying, the big things coming up: Buying a way too expensive house and a way too expensive engagement ring. In the famous words of my life, "set for life".

For the end of my first post (and the whole reason I got started on this was because of stupid Facebook while I was bored tonight at midnight and found someone in facebook that tried to befriend me, but I just ended up reading their stupid xanga looking for my name...) I'm going to include one of my favorite quotes that I found on my facebook profile, that I had completely forgotten was on there (since I check facebook about once every 3 months). George Orwell writes:

"It's not a matter of whether the war is not real, or if it is, Victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia but to keep the very structure of society intact."

Now, I'm not sure if I understand this quote or not. I like to think I do, but then again I always think I'm smarter then I actually am. Then when it comes down to it, I get butt hurt when someone smarter comes along and punches me in the face.

Can I just say I love punching and getting punched in the face? Ok, goodnight.