Friday, September 09, 2005

The first post

I am extremely tired. My eyes are burning for looking at my computer screen for the past, oh, 16 hours? Yup, that sounds about right.

Since everyone else has a blog, I want one too! Can't I be interesting and fun? We'll see. I'll have to share stories though that won't get me in trouble (with people and the law mainly). I just read through A WHOLE YEAR on another person's blog. I remember telling this person (the blogger) a very amazing thing on Halloween night. After reading through her blog I found nothing. I was drunk. She was drunk. Is this why she didn't remember it? I remembered it. SHIT. Halloween (I hate the spelling of this psuedo holiday) was memorable for me, obviously not for her. I scanned her whole freaking blog just to see if she had written anything about that night. NOPE! And, since you probably all think I'm some sort of sex pot, sex addict, sex maniac pervert, this is not it. Just a one liner I dropped on an "aquantaince" of mine that "made her day". And I read through her WHOLE FREAKING BLOG, that's right, from September 2005 to October 2004 to see if my name was mentioned at all. Because that's who I am, a self-centered, self-righteous, son of a bitch. Because we all want attention, and that's what blogs are great for. Wow, I feel energized writing this. Is this why all of you self-centered bastards do this? Full well knowing that other people, people that KNOW you, and people that DON'T know you will read this and think "hey, that's pretty cool" or "hey, that guy is a freak!"? Awkward.

I guess I should include spaces in my blog entries. Otherwise your eyes will get tired, oh so tired like mine are, and then you can't read very well anymore. And then you'll go blind. And then you'll sue me. You'll sue the internet. You'll win. I just hope after your legal fees you actually come out ahead. Damn lawyers, them and the politicians are the only ones really making money in this country. Everyone else has to play by their rules, or get sued until a new rule is implemented, which if not followed, will be fined, and while being sued, also paying aforementioned lawyer fees. *BREATH*

Anyway, I'll try my best to write, keep you up to date about NOTHING because that's what I like to write about:


But some pretty big things are coming up in my life. So big, that I've got an interview tomorrow for a different position, a different company, maybe more money, maybe more stress, that's why I'm at home, bored, because I needed to get my suit and tie. Look spiffy. Because people like that right? I wonder if people think I think less of them because "hey, I'm wearing a suit and way over dressed for ANY sort of occassion (sp?) in today's world!" And obviously, I'm typing way too fast that I could be missing connecting words like "the" "and" "I" semi-important words that make what I'm writing make sense...but screw it, I'm not going to edit it.

Oh yeah, back to what I was saying, the big things coming up: Buying a way too expensive house and a way too expensive engagement ring. In the famous words of my life, "set for life".

For the end of my first post (and the whole reason I got started on this was because of stupid Facebook while I was bored tonight at midnight and found someone in facebook that tried to befriend me, but I just ended up reading their stupid xanga looking for my name...) I'm going to include one of my favorite quotes that I found on my facebook profile, that I had completely forgotten was on there (since I check facebook about once every 3 months). George Orwell writes:

"It's not a matter of whether the war is not real, or if it is, Victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia but to keep the very structure of society intact."

Now, I'm not sure if I understand this quote or not. I like to think I do, but then again I always think I'm smarter then I actually am. Then when it comes down to it, I get butt hurt when someone smarter comes along and punches me in the face.

Can I just say I love punching and getting punched in the face? Ok, goodnight.

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