Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Rando Post 2009

It's been awhile since I've done one of these.

And I actually just turned off the TV so I could concentrate.


I usually can have the TV on in the background while I write these. Because I just leave the TV on for the background noise, and am not a huge fan of just listening to myself type.

It's almost as if I'm going to have a hard time writing a rando notes post because all of my recent posts have had a subject, theme or some sort of point. And I don't know if I'm random enough (right now) to make this worth my time. Ah well, I'm not that great of a writer anyway, and even the best had their terrible moments.

-I'll denote my change of thinking pattern/subject by the "-".

-I was at the gym today lifting and I'm not a huge fan of the gym layout. This is because of their lack of space and also because of their inexpensive monthly fee. The wife and I are now part of a gym membership where we pay $21 a month for both of us. And last month we were paying a whopping $37. So given how cheap the memberships are and throwing in the current economic climate along with soon-to-fail new year's resolutions, you have a bit of crowding in a gym that's already too small. So when you're on the machines you have someone that is about 4 feet in front of you, facing you, sweating, breathing hard and trying not to look at you too. I am constantly trying my best not to look at anybody. For about 30 minutes to an hour at least twice a week since I've been home I go to a place where I try to keep fit but stare at the floor. The more I write about this the more terrible going to the gym sounds. I better stop.

-Since I was a kid I was always embarrassed by how big my feet were. Everyone in my family (and friends) would make fun of my feet. Until the age of 14 my feet grew with my age (we started recognizing this when I was about 9 years old). To this day people still think I have big feet (I'm really not sure why, I'm kind of tall) but maybe it's easier to point out someones big feet than the big mole they have on their nose. Or the rolls in their neck. Who knows. So, since I was younger anytime I'd have my feet out I'd curl my toes in to basically what would make fists of my feet. At first it hurt to curl all of my toes under. But after doing it for so many years I just automatically do it now when I'm sitting down and my feet are exposed. It's comfortable for me. I also (somehow) think it keeps my toes warm too. I've never noticed anyone else curling their toes under when they sit down.

-For some reason I want a pair of light brown corduroys. And anytime I find a pair that I wear, it's not what I'm looking for. Is this what it's like to be a woman in regards to clothes? You can never find exactly what you want so you just end up settling for stuff that your return a month and a half later but end up fighting over the price of the return because suddenly the item you bought is now going for 30% less than it was when you bought it and instead of giving you the full refund the only way you could get the full refund is if you were given store credit but *ack* you don't even want to spend the time in the store now to go and find something to use your store credit with and struggle with whether or not it's worth it just to take the discounted price and have it credited to your card. Can't someone just think of what a guy who wants to wear a pair of corduroys wants to wear? No, I don't want tapered bottoms. No, I don't want FREAKING PLEATS. Omg I can't believe someone would wear corduroys with pleats on them. Not that I'm a fashion king or anything but if you ever caught me in corduroys in pleats please consider it a joke and not something I'm wearing seriously. And I want small cords. Not the big ones. Thanks.

-Losing weight is about math. I don't know if I posted this before or not. But it would seem to me that losing weight is easy enough if you stick to your math. Eat less calories, burn more calories = losing weight. That is what I am doing right now over the past few weeks. I am enjoying the working out as my last basketball game I had I was able to run full speed the entire game and at the end of it I was ready for another one. The eating part is tough though, going to sleep hungry is challenging for me. Hearing my stomach whine throughout the day is annoying. I want to punch it. So far, so good though. No noticeable change in body definition though (or so I think).

-Somewhere along the line over the past few years I learned how to tilt my head from side to side and crack my neck. And somehow, this feels good. Like cracking anything else, joints, knuckles, my back, all feels like some sort of tension has been released. But then I've read/heard about the guys who have tried really hard to crack their neck that one fateful time and have ended up killing themselves. Last night my neck would not crack at all. And I was laying there in bed thinking, if I could just twist my head a little bit harder and how freaky it would be to die right now, right before going to bed just because I was trying to crack my neck. It would be like my death would have been so pointless. If I'm going to die this early I at least want there to be some point to it.

-Teaching my dad to text has been one of the best things ever. I don't keep in contact with the parents as well as other people keep in contact with theirs. But that's just because we live near each other and try to see each other at least once a week. That is more than other people out there. But now I can text my dad random things instead of having to get a call from my parents once a week asking how things are and basically checking in on me. I just find it so odd that now I would rather text someone than hear their voice. Maybe it's the "hello" and "goodbye" that I like not having to use? Or maybe the listening? With a text I can just tell someone something and be done with it. I definitely will still call in a situation that's more emergent though. Wow, I'm impressed that "emergent" is a word.

-Two quotes I wanted to include on here: "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." And, "Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you've got." I just wanted to include those in here because they ring very true right now. If I can look at things in a different perspective maybe things are actually great. Perception is reality.

-When I was 13 I thought 18 was old. When I was 17 I thought 22 was geriatric. When I was 23 I thought that 28 was ancient. I am at a point now where I am realizing that people who are younger than me are thinking the same of me. Soon I'll be to a point where people look at me and say, "He is old". I honestly don't know how old people do it. I look at people that are just bags of bodies now, hairstyles from decades past or those with health issues walking around with their oxygen tanks. It scares the crap out of me knowing that might be me some day. If there's one thing I don't ever want to be it is old. But I know I'm old to some people. Over the past couple of weekends I've been breaking in to the Alma Mater to play basketball with "kids" that would consider me "ancient". 18 through 22 year old college kids who think they're hot shit and who may possibly know that they're bodies are at or near their prime. And I am keeping up if not doing well. I didn't recognize it until tonight but for me to be able to run with someone that is almost 10 years younger than me (sad to admit) is pretty amazing. They should be outrunning, outworking, outhustling me at every bounce of the ball. But they're not. So maybe I'm not as old as I actually thought I was as my younger self. Maybe when I start to slow down and admit to myself I can't keep up is when I'll hit that age wall. Not any time soon though hopefully.

-Obama is like Steve Sarkisian, the new coach of the UW football team. UW football as previously mentioned had the worst record ever in Pac-10 history last season. Therefore if "The Sark" even gets 2 wins this season (I'm guessing 4 myself) he'll be seen as a savior. Dear BO - you couldn't have had an easier act to follow. You probably won't live up to all the hype you came in with, but returning the country to a bit of normalcy (barf, hate that word) will be credited to you over the next 4 years.


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