Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Obligatory New Year’s Post

I had to do it.

Just as I’m sure bloggers across the World had to do it too.

First off: I am a failure and didn’t complete one of my new year’s resolutions from 2007. I am too lazy to go look up the link for it and say go here where you can just click on the word “here” and then go and read about it. So for those of you who are willing to make the extra 4-5 clicks it’ll take to get there, by all means do so. I write my blog posts in word so it takes almost 5 times the amount of energy to provide you with that kind of hyperlink than it does for you to just go look for it. Almost about as much energy as writing this whole paragraph. And I even went to go find my new year’s resolution post from 2007 and it’s in a mix of two different posts. So well done me.

Anyway, I think (since it was over a year ago now) that my resolutions from last year were to a) finally dunk consistently and b) run my first marathon. At the time when I was writing those things, I was running on a schedule. And playing basketball a lot. I am still playing basketball as much as I was last year but I have stopped running 3-4 days a week. Now it’s more like once to twice a week. And sometimes instead of running I’ll use something with a lot less impact at the gym. I got shin splints in March of this past year and finally gave up around August. That’s how long I let the pain bother me.

By the way, yes these are all excuses as to why I didn’t complete my goals. I could’ve easily done the Seattle marathon but I would’ve put up a 5 hour time which not only would’ve been embarrassing (for me), it also would’ve been 5 hours of pain.

Dunking is another story. I do some leg work at the gym and really that’s about all the effort I put into it. For me, it’s once again embarrassing that I can’t dunk. There are plenty of guys out there who are shorter than me (or even my height) who can dunk. I suppose this will be an annual goal to finally get off my ass and get that extra 3-4” in my vert. I’d literally bet against myself that I could do it this year. (And of course now I will).

So put me in with the rest of the crowd who didn’t accomplish resolutions they resolved to do. At the least I am admitting failure – but honestly I’m just shrugging them off at this point. I’m sure I’ll get in a marathon (under 4 hours 30 minutes) sometime before I’m 40 (if I live that long), and honestly it’s probably too late for the dunking thing...stupid aging.

Things in 2007 that happened that I never would’ve expected I would do this past year:

-Took a chance, started investing with DEBT (capitalized for effect) and didn’t put myself in to more DEBT. A pretty big feat considering how the stock market did from July 2007 onwards.

-Took over my parent’s retirement accounts after my new found confidence in investing skills. Who knew I had such a passion for money? *He chuckles*

-Made new/more friends. I literally said to one guy, “I’m not accepting friend applications right now”. And he was genuinely angry about it (what a homer). Really though, I’ve created myself at least 3 more groups of drinking pals though. And that can’t be good for me, my liver and one of my resolutions this year. Not only has my list of contacts grown on my cell phone, I’ve also reconnected with a lot of old friends.

-Won a championship basketball game, and hit a buzzer beater to cap the whole thing off. Played tackle football on a normal basis and didn’t get hurt once (really amazing). For years I had sworn off tackle football, but this past year I got back on the horse. And it’s better than touch football – with flag being the best out of all three.

-Ran in the Fraternity Snoqualmie’s Bare Buns Fun Run. My first sanctioned (not sure by who) streaking event. Got 3rd place! I’d like to try it out again…

-Saw more of the country by traveling to visit my cousins in Washington DC and New York City. They were both better than I had imagined. I have a new found respect and love for the East Coast. Can’t wait to go back!

-Didn’t go to Vegas once! This seems kind of odd, but being there 9 times over 3 years was a bit much for me. I promised myself I wouldn’t go back until 2009…but I’ve been itching to go all year. We’ll see if I can hold through this year (you’ll probably see me celebrating the new year in Vegas).

I’ve thought of a few other things I could put here, but they seem smaller and more insignificant than what I’ve already written.

Now, to look towards the future.

I’m pretty unsure about my 2008 resolutions. In a drunken stupor at the New Year’s party I was at, I sat down to eat some cake (which is what put me over the edge – never drink a lot then eat cake) and decided that this was going to be my year. History (or my memory?) may have fooled me, but good things…really good things tend to happen to me in the even years. 1998, 2000, and 2004 are some of the best years I can think of in recent history (in my life). So why not 2008?

This will be the “Year of Seth”. But after thinking about that – and saying it out loud to a few people it became somewhat ominous…in that really bad things could happen to me too…I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see.

In 2008 I resolve to:

-Get back what drinking lost me (and not my virginity): My defined abs. Back when I was a young buck of 18-19 I could clearly see lines in my stomach. By 21 I knew my life was over when I took off my shirt in front of someone and they announced that they were, “hoping for better”. I guess, at the least I’ve hid my beer belly somewhat well. And even though people would say, “Oh Seth, you’re not fat”. Of course I’m not fat! But I could be better. Having a better core makes for a better everything. Can I think of a con to having a tighter waistline? Other than having to bring my belt in another notch, I can’t. So abs, you’re slimming down. You’ve enjoyed your run at the top (literally) for long enough.

-Start prepping for my masters and start my master’s (of business administration I think) education in fall of 2008. The plan was to go back to school from the time I was 26 and graduate by 28. Here it is, in 3 and a half months I turn 26 (I survived? 25 isn’t over yet). My parents said they would pay since I covered a majority of my undergrad (unlike some people I know) and I’m even hoping that they won’t have to help out that much. I feel like I’ve lost a lot of that hunger for knowledge that being in school gave me. And the extra perks to having a master’s degree when I get out won’t hurt either. (Hooray self-validation!)

Those are big enough goals and manageable too. I have other things I want to accomplish that might be nice to complete but not consider them “new year’s resolutions” – as in not as big of a deal if I don’t get them all:

-Run a marathon (back on the block again)

-Make at least 35% returns on the market in 2008 (already starting out poorly)

-Make more “to-do” lists and get things done instead of constantly trying to remind myself to do certain smaller tasks.

-Don’t whine/complain as much. Be nice and compliment more.

-Be more driven at work to climb the corporate ladder – or look for other advancement opportunities…anywhere. I’ve been very content in my current position while others are constantly trying to get ahead.

-Try my best not to go to Vegas (like I said, no promises!)

-Don’t drink so much that I vomit (happened way too often in 2007)

-Go get a pedicure

I know that last one seems silly – but it’s just too unlike me.

2 days down, 354 to go. 2008 be kind.

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