Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Home Run Ball

The league average of home runs per at bat is roughly 4%.

Sounds about right.

In every life there is a chance at the home run ball.

But the only way to get there is to take a step up to the plate.

I've been fouling off a lot of balls lately. And sure, I'm solid with a single or a double here and there. But just as often I've been caught looking with men in scoring position - or have been seen hitting in to an easy 6-4-3 double play.

Where's my home run ball? I feel like I've been thrown some meaty pitches, but never had the guts to swing away. Or I was early and pulled it foul, maybe swung too low and hit a towering pop up.

But for some reason I continue get back in the box and dig my toes in. Thinking that maybe this time around I'll hit that walk off.

It's all I know how to do, even though sometimes I feel like just riding the pine while everyone else gets all the glory.

I want to be part of that 4%.

1 comment:

arthur said...

i really like this post. really well written.

i wanna be in that 4% too.

just gotta put ourselves out more and create opportunities for ourselves.

take it ez seth