Monday, January 30, 2006

Real Quick

Real quick post before I go to bed, because I had someone asking me what was going on with no posts in the last week.

Tonight I had an assortment of meals for dinner. I had: BBQ Baked Lays. Dehydrated mangos. Pasta Roni. Teriyaki chicken, yakisoba and some rice. A piece of pumpkin muffin. Lots of water. Tons of water. Lots of fluid. I need it.

We also signed up for LA Fitness. Weird. I am in need of an I-pod, I-something. I need music other than the crap they play in that gym. It is hard to get a workout when I’m listening to Gwen Stefani…that is, unless it is “spiderwebs”. Doy. Anyway, this is going to be interesting. It’s $30/month, and I already ran in to who works out there and also Jay’s little brother. (Isn’t his name Joon?) Should be interesting. I plan on going 15 days/month to get my moneys worth. Tuesday-Thursday in the morning.

Wow, I really lack motivation to write this tonight. It’s actually kind of sad. Usually I have LOTS to talk about. Tonight? My mind is as blank as the rest of this page.

We went snowboarding yesterday. That was awesome. I love snowboarding. The best thing about it was that it’s not like riding a bike, for me at least, where I’ve got to get back into the swing of things before I’m 100% comfortable and jumping off of curbs again. Right when I put on the board I stood up and I was ready to go. It was like running.

How much would you take in money to have your left hand cut off? This is the discussion I had with a coworker for the last 30 minutes of my 12 hour shift today. Freaking ridiculous. That is how delirious I was. There is a spot on my LCD screen because I know that my sister has been sneezing and coughing and all her phlegm and boogers get all over this monitor, and I’m afraid to scrape them off because I don’t want to scratch the screen. Once we move in to the new house I’ll give it a good cleaning. And also! It’ll be back to my GOOD computer. Not this crappy one.

So I think my ulcer is back. My stool has been black, and I’ve been feeling colder than normal and also my stomach has that dull ache to it. Women can’t complain about periods to me! Because in 9th grade, I had a bleeding ulcer, which bled for almost TWO MONTHS, and slowly dried and drained me of my life. By the time the doctors realized what was going on, they freaked out because they thought I would die in a matter of days from blood loss. A normal hematacrit (blood count level) is anywhere between 40-45. Mine was at 23 when they admitted me to Children’s Hospital. They said a few more points and I would’ve been anemic, and not only that, but in a few days I’d be dead. All I could complain about was missing the Skyview dance. Looking back on it, it was quite silly, but those dances were THE BEST.

Now, like my alopecia, I believe my ulcer is back. I guarantee if you took a crit test of me right now you’d find that I was probably floating around 34-36. It’s a really weird feeling being short of blood (and women can probably attest to this). I get really tired, and the pain in my stomach just numbs the rest of the world around me. It’s hard to be happy about anything, and my favorite spicy foods everyone tells me not to eat. Oh, and for those of you who are saying, “Hey! It’s just stress! Knock it off, cool out”. I say…no, it’s not. It’s actually a bacteria (h.pylori) that is in my stomach that somehow combines with the acid in my stomach to burn holes in the lining. Thus the blood. Thus the shit covered in blood. Thus the cramps. I knew it was in full effect when I couldn’t sleep until about 2:30 am after going to bed at close to midnight. I tossed and turned while my stomach cramped. I thought it was hunger. I was wrong. The worst part about it is I’m going to have to go to the doctor to get told what I already know, just so I can get a prescription for some antibiotics to fight the h.pylori.

What a freaking ripoff.

Anyway, this “real quick” post turned out pretty long as usual, and I did find things to write about. Don’t you wish your health situation was as good as mine? I bet you do. I can’t wait to see the doctor sometime this week or early next week. *sigh* Another day to wake up early.

In other news, the countdown to Superbowl Sunday stands at 6 days. Freaking ridiculous. When is this going to sink in that we’re going to the ‘ship? Probably kick off.

Night y’all.

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