Thursday, November 03, 2005

22 minutes

That’s how much time I’ve got left in this dark, yet overly lit place. This cubicle. 22 minutes left. All I’ve got is the web, some stale “chewy” chips ahoy cookies a 92% eaten apple, an apple juice soaked paper towel, paper, pens, two half empty bottled waters, a map of the US and my schedule, 23 plastic forks, 2 plastic knives and 2 styrafoam boxes to keep me busy.

Oh, and also this. I hate the idea that I’m linking you to someone else’s blog, (since the attention should be on me! Duh) but, I really like that one. I also hate the fact that I’m going to say “a picture says a thousand words” so there, I said it, but at least I admitted to the hatred of it, for the lack of a better saying. Sometimes sayings are sayings just because they make the most sense, yet make no sense at all. But we understand it. To foreigners though, or those that don’t understand the saying, it’s not possible for a picture to say a thousand words, it’s just an object. Not a living thing that can speak. (Or can it!)

19 minutes now and the world is slowly moving.

Slow enough, that when I look at the clock in the lower right hand corner of my monitor, what I see is that only 3 minutes have passed.

Therefore, you can, or one can, deduce that it took me 3 minutes to write the previous two paragraphs. Is that shabby? Maybe, but I had to at least think of what was coming out of my fingers, which are connected to my brain, which I think, I am talking to a random online audience, but really I’m not. I’m just watching letters appear on my screen, which somehow make up words that, really, in the end, make no sense whatsoever when placed together. Thanks for wasting everyone’s time though, I think to myself.

16 minutes.

Do I have something with checking the clock every three minutes? It seems like the number 16 should be an odd number. Or at least the number 6. I mean, c’mon. Look at the number 9. It’s just the number 6 upside down. And is something that is upside down the exact opposite of another thing that is right-side up? Not necessarily.

I really, really, can’t wait for the weekend. I think I was deprived this past weekend because of the Seahawks bye week. I think, admitting that is somewhat sad. What is your existence like? Why is it, the things that I could find the most happiness in, I may feel the most embarrassed about admitting to everyone? The fact that I use the color pink, or even have fruity shirts, have the ability to wear whitey tighties from 6th grade that have holes on them, and more than likely multiple skid marks, how I dream about having a big wheel big enough for me, possibly motorized and cruising along the Kirkland strip, watching the sun slowly set behind the mountains and the red sky reflect against the water below. Cool grandpa blue blockers included.

6 minutes and I’ve been “working” for the past 10.

Still more than 5, and the countdown is tough to watch. I wonder how many people go through this? The hardest thing about it, I think, is knowing that I’ll have to sit through an hour of traffic on the way home. But, it’s what I’ve got to suffer through in order to “afford” things that I don’t necessarily “need”. Oh well, everyone else will be happy with it I hope.

Wow, I think this was the most uninteresting post I’ve made yet.

Let’s see: There’s a lot of snow in the mountains. I’m about to go snowboarding. Politics is screwed up. Too many kids have died in Iraq for nothing. Initiative 901 will put a ban on smoking indoors. I am happy about this. When you get too many people, and not enough money together, bad things can happen. Rioting in France, that I wonder about. Purchased engagement ring. Basically broke. Getting the hang of making money playing poker without bonuses backing me up, just like I used to in the old days. I hate 56K, people should really get with the program. Sometimes I have to pee mid-morning, but I don’t wake up because I really don’t want to get out of bed. Then, when I do wake up with my alarm, my alarm freaks me out and I have to make the largest pee ever known in man kind. I’m still at work and I was supposed to be gone a minute ago.

This is my life.

-2 minutes.

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